Hey fans,
Thanks to those who have followed me from Face Book to this blog. I realize I will lose folks but I have decided I would rather have a small group of dedicated readers like you then almost 2000 fans most who never read the posts :)
I think you will find it interesting and better suited for what I am trying to accomplish for you.
I can now share high res multiple images and longer copy with you guys if the story demands.
Feel free to comment under each story
Another advantage is that there is a detailed index list on the front page of all the stories I have posted on the blog and you can select one if you missed it. As you know FB after a day or so buried the posts and it is cumbersome to scroll through the site and find an older story.
Thanks and please send the link to your friends.
They do not have to be on Face Book to join.
Great story coming later today on the Steel Pier.
I like this, its a special place to visit every day. Great work Emil, and thanks!
ReplyDeleteOK just a bit disappointed I didnt WIN....LOL...
I like this much better than the facebook format, excellent choice! Thanks again for all the wonderful pictures and stories, I look forward to them here.
ReplyDeleteHi, I found your blog recently and we added your blog RSS feed to our syndicated feeds on www.jacksonnjonline.com.
Hopefully we can send some of our readers your way. You're doing a great job preserving the shore's heritage and we appreciate it!
Like all things "new', it will takegetting used to...but is a site I will not miss goingto every day!
ReplyDeleteMuch Gratitude to for all your dedicated luv of the Jersey Shore!
I agree this is the best place on facebook I have ever seen!! I to everyday can't wait to wake up and get online to see what's new on the blog! In fact my daugter who is 14, I have been telling her the stories and history of the Jersey Shore from way way back when! She is so interested! Thank you Emil! Much appreciation for all your work! :)